What does my player need to be ready to play?
Blastball is a fundamentals program aimed towards developing this youngest group of players. Full softball games are not played. There are various skill based activities designed to introduce the new player to basics such as running to first, hitting the ball, getting the ball and throwing the ball. Coaches always appreciate parent support on field!!!!
- jersey will be provided
- batting helmet
- running shoes (cleats not required)
U7 & U9 ( previously known as Coach pitch)
U7 -introduction to game situations, possibly some practice early in the season prior to game start or Saturdays. The coach pitches the ball to the players when batting.Focus is aimed at skill development, games are established in an informal arrangement with other centres
U9 - players participate in a set league schedule 1-2 games weekly
- practices will be scheduled early in the season
- pitching is a combination of player & coach pitch
- jersey will be provided
- batting helmet (cage recommended)
- running shoes (cleats not required)
- ball glove
What are the typical playing times?
Please note the below game times are based on last year’s times for each division, and may be subject to change.Dates may also be subject rescheduling due to rain or other conflicts.Typical season runs from mid-May to late July
Game Days
U5 Blastball
Wednesdays at 6:30-7:15/30PM- small diamond located on the Tavistock Public school property next to the curling club (park in large lot at front of arena) A second night may be added depending the number of participants. Volunteers at this level are very very key so all help is appreciated!
U7 /U9
Monday, Tuesdays or Wednesdays – based on player numbers, there could be 3 teams. Home games are played behind the Tavistock arena usually starting at 6:30PM. Away games are set by the opposing centre. Will also play other Tavistock teams.